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Some useful links to resources, papers, places, maps and anything else which may be useful to visitors to the site with an interest in burgages, their buildings and spaces. If you have any links to suggest, please let us know and we can add them to what we hope will become an ever growing resource. Click on the green buttons to launch the links.

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Barley Hall, York

The oldest parts of Barley Hall date from about 1360. Now fully restored it provides a fascinating insight into the Tudor house

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Medieval footprints

The burgage plots of Birmingham. Social historian and curator Sarah Hayes on Birmingham's medieval history

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Framework and Form

How layout and boundaries influenced the form of buildings in Scottish medieval towns.

G. Stell and R. Tait  

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Medieval settlements

An introduction to the development of medieval settlements in the UK from Historic England


Reconstructing medieval towns

A useful and concise example of how measurements of modern Burford can provide insight about layout of the the medieval streetscape and burgages.


Vernacular Architecture Group

The Vernacular Architecture Group was formed to further the study of traditional buildings. Great resources, reading lists, Links

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York: Character area statement

An excellent summary of built history in one area of York from the Roman to the Modern with great detail about the medieval make up of this immediate area


Medieval Townhouses

The "Changing approaches to the analysis and interpretation of medieval urban houses" are discussed by Joanne Harrison in a well illustrated paper

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Weald and Downland Museum

The museum was established to preserve vernacular buildings at risk of demolition. Many of the buildings are from rural sites but still provide insights into construction and design of medieval buildings

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Petersfield Physic Garden

Saved from development by Major John Bowen, the Physic Garden occupies the last complete burgage plot in the town. Designed in the 17th c style, the garden features 100 species of herbs within its medieval walls

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Life in Medieval Ledbury

Short concise film exploring Ledbury's medieval past describing the rise of
the town and life of its inhabitants
in the 1300s. 

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The Construction of Medieval Houses in London

A fabulous article by John Schofield in which he details the history, building processes, sizes and styles of Medieval
and Tudor London houses. 

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Britain From Above

An extraordinary collection of aerial images of the UK from the early 20thc. Immensely useful in identifying  burgae patterns in towns

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Know Your Place

Interactive map resource for Somerset and Wiltshire, includes maps from the 18th c where available, includes hand drawn maps, Tithe Maps and the OS series


Bridgnorth and Ludlow

A fascinating paper by J. Haslam on the early stages of layout and development of Bridgnorth and Ludlow in Shropshire


Space, Property, and Propriety in Urban England

Vanessa Harding examines 'the public space in medieval towns and cities... shaped and influenced by the private spaces that surrounded it... ' A great read


Commercial Townhouses

The origins and analysis of townhouses operating commercially on two storeys by Roland Harris. Wide ranging with diagrams

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Building details

Architectural Historian Malcolm Airs explains the back stories behind the buildings of Dorchester-on-Thames. Fascinating insights into the changes made to buildings through time

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Totnes Museum

Totnes is the second oldest borough in England. Housed in an Elizabethan merchant's house within a burgage plot, the museum has different rooms in the Jacobean style, a separate kitchen block and herb garden 

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Merchant's house, Southampton

The Medieval Merchant's townhouse has been restored by Historic England to replicate a residence and place of business in the mid 14th c

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The burgage walls of Thame

An extensive study on the burgage plots of Thame in Oxfordshire, a new town of the 12th century. 


National Library of Scotland 

Interactive resource of UK maps from the past 150 years or so including 25 inch to the mile OS maps. Useful for establishing patterns and boundaries of burgage plots 


Vernacular Houses

An introduction/overview of the vernacular tradition of housebuilding from Historic England


Layout of Burgages

An examination by J. Haslam of how the complex urban core impacted on the layout of burgages in five early medieval towns including Wells, Somerset


Somerset Towns

Charting the changing fortunes of about 30 towns in Somerset over 1000 years, this title explores the reasons why, right up to the 18th century, it remained a county of small towns. The author, Tony Scrase has written a number of excellent books including a great book on Wells, Somerset.


A Street Corner in Rye

From medieval burgage plot to 18th century inn by Andrew Margetts. The development of a Rye Street Corner, Fascinating and brilliantly illustrated


Fuller, Girdler, Joiner & Ceiler 

A short article by Alan Shelley on the differences between a freeman and a burgess together with a useful glossary
of terms associated with freemen


Birmingham in the 1300s

Really useful short film exploring Birmingham's medieval past using an incredibly detailed diorama on display in the Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery.


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Poles, perches, rods, furlongs

Excellent paper by Phil Crummy on units of measurement as applied to plots in six English cities from the ninth to the thirteenth centuries 


Medieval English Towns -Glossary

A useful glossary of medieval terms specific to towns 

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